More Moderators Please

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Re: More Moderators Please


Manoah, I appreciate that you cite one of my comments regarding my annoyance towards a certain group of militant Max defenders, even though I am in 'camp Max' myself.

But please be so fair as to recognise that there is a similar sized (perhaps larger) group of militant Lewis-defenders that really cross the line consistently. I have also pointed that out - and I have pointed out that (in my view) the pro-Lewis narrative outnumbers the pro-Max narrative.

'Aggressive' users are a thing at every forum. You don't have to interact with them, you can even explicitly ignore them. That in itself is not a problem, but I do have have a problem with the whole issue being consistently framed as a "Max issue, sometimes by users that I regard to being militant Lewis-defenders, but often by users that I regard to be reasonable Lewis defenders. It would be nice if we can agree on that the issue is bipartisan, instead of blaming the militant defenders on one side.

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Re: More Moderators Please


This thread seems to have strayed from its initial simple premise. Allow me to bring it back on track.

1. Can the site owner/moderators add more moderators

If yes

a. Do they want volunteers
b. Do they want nominations

I think we didn't really get an agreement or consensus from them on 1, and certainly no concrete answers to a/b despite offers for both.

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Re: More Moderators Please


Manoah2u wrote:
14 Dec 2021, 21:15
proteus wrote:
14 Dec 2021, 21:11
dans79 wrote:
14 Dec 2021, 20:57
A while back i reported a user for having an animated avatar of two stick figures having sex, and nothing was ever done about it.
Do you really get offended so easily? Two stick figures...having sex...dear sir we should have called the police :lol:
in a board where many times in the past using certain words gets moderated, i agree on his stance.
Sky for example apologies to the viewers many times for words that drivers and teams use during the race or directly post-race celebrating for example, or ranting.

this has been the case many times where many words have been moderated or standard get filtered/need moderator approval.

so he has a point. otherwise, again, it shows bias, and above all - do you think thats appropriate in a technical forum, where perhaps minors also come to read and learn?

or is this board supposed to be just as loathsome as the general reddit crowd? if that is the case, then why bother here and not stay at reddit? where stuff like that 'belongs'
Minors have an easy acces to explicit and vulgar stuff in everyday media, TV and an internet so a childish gif is probably the least of a concern.

I agree that this is a technical forum, so i would expect that there is also no place for political and other populist movements (right extremety, lgbtqxyz++- , BLM and so on) which are creeping in from time to time. They all should be banished without exception.

But all in all i would like to conclude that as society we became far too soft and insulted too quickly by everything.
If i would get the money to start my own F1 team, i would revive Arrows

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Re: More Moderators Please


Here's a fun example from the race thread. Ringo is clearly biased towards Lewis and expresses his opinion as such. I don't completely agree, but it's just an opinion on the topic of discussion. What is given in reply, is blatantly antagonistic, dredging up past incidents in an inciteful way by inserting conspiratorial facts. Then there's a wild allegation of an illegal car...

This type of thing had been endemic recently (not just from Ryar although he/she has become notorious for it in short order). I initially went to report it, but stopped short because it's a drop in the bucket, nothing has been done against countless other examples, so I have zero confidence it will get dealt with.
Ryar wrote:
15 Dec 2021, 05:00
ringo wrote:
15 Dec 2021, 04:43
Max doesnt lose anything if Lewis gets the win.
It was not Max's to win in the first place.
You are right, after the silverstone and hungary ploy, it wasn't. Probably Masi knew very well that Mercedes ran an illegal car in some races, but couldn't be open about it.
Last edited by cooken on 15 Dec 2021, 13:47, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: More Moderators Please


cooken wrote:
15 Dec 2021, 12:53
Here's a fun example from the race thread. Ringo is clearly biased towards Lewis and expresses his opinion as such. I don't completely agree, but it's just an opinion on the topic of discussion. What is given in reply, is blatantly antagonistic, dredging up past incidents in an inciteful away by inserting conspiratorial facts. Then there's a wild allegation of an illegal car...

This type of thing had been endemic recently (not just from Ryar although he/she has become notorious for it in short order). I initially went to report it, but stopped short because it's a drop in the bucket, nothing has been done against countless other examples, so I have zero confidence it will get dealt with.
Ryar wrote:
15 Dec 2021, 05:00
ringo wrote:
15 Dec 2021, 04:43
Max doesnt lose anything if Lewis gets the win.
It was not Max's to win in the first place.
You are right, after the silverstone and hungary ploy, it wasn't. Probably Masi knew very well that Mercedes ran an illegal car in some races, but couldn't be open about it.
It hurts my brain
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Re: More Moderators Please


cooken wrote:
15 Dec 2021, 12:53
Here's a fun example from the race thread. Ringo is clearly biased towards Lewis and expresses his opinion as such. I don't completely agree, but it's just an opinion on the topic of discussion. What is given in reply, is blatantly antagonistic, dredging up past incidents in an inciteful away by inserting conspiratorial facts. Then there's a wild allegation of an illegal car...

This type of thing had been endemic recently (not just from Ryar although he/she has become notorious for it in short order). I initially went to report it, but stopped short because it's a drop in the bucket, nothing has been done against countless other examples, so I have zero confidence it will get dealt with.
Ryar wrote:
15 Dec 2021, 05:00
ringo wrote:
15 Dec 2021, 04:43
Max doesnt lose anything if Lewis gets the win.
It was not Max's to win in the first place.
You are right, after the silverstone and hungary ploy, it wasn't. Probably Masi knew very well that Mercedes ran an illegal car in some races, but couldn't be open about it.
Both these posts by Ryar and Ringo show a huge degree of contempt for the other team, and over the course of the season I have found contributions by both users problematic. To call one a 'biased opinion' but the other notoriously antagonistic does not do judgement to the situation.

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Re: More Moderators Please


cooken wrote:
15 Dec 2021, 12:53
Here's a fun example from the race thread. Ringo is clearly biased towards Lewis and expresses his opinion as such. I don't completely agree, but it's just an opinion on the topic of discussion. What is given in reply, is blatantly antagonistic, dredging up past incidents in an inciteful way by inserting conspiratorial facts. Then there's a wild allegation of an illegal car...

This type of thing had been endemic recently (not just from Ryar although he/she has become notorious for it in short order). I initially went to report it, but stopped short because it's a drop in the bucket, nothing has been done against countless other examples, so I have zero confidence it will get dealt with.
Ryar wrote:
15 Dec 2021, 05:00
ringo wrote:
15 Dec 2021, 04:43
Max doesnt lose anything if Lewis gets the win.
It was not Max's to win in the first place.
You are right, after the silverstone and hungary ploy, it wasn't. Probably Masi knew very well that Mercedes ran an illegal car in some races, but couldn't be open about it.
It's very interesting when someone says it's "Antaganostic". Antagonizing who and why should anyone feel antagonized for a remark made about some team? It's a response to a point made by a poster. A point. What kind of behavior is it that an individual feels antagonized for a statement made about strangers (driver/team)? I don't have anything against ringo and I am sure he doesn't have anything against me either. It's an exchange of thoughts that either of feel, regardless whether it is true or not. I always say this. Posters have a choice to either ignore or debate about the point made. Making a senseless fuss of one post from one thread in another and try to project a poster in a negative way seems extremely awkward. It projects nothing more than frustration.
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Re: More Moderators Please


Ryar wrote:
15 Dec 2021, 14:10
AAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Just drop it. --- drop it. My --- god!

This thread is not a referendum on the literally endless bickering of people on other threads. Its not a catalog of accusations and hair splitting. It's not in/out group hooliganism. No one cares about the specifics of all yall peculiar animosities.

This thread is a dialog with the mods, between posters and the mods, about the fundamental question of whether more moderators will be accepted into the moderation team, and if so, how to get more moderators.


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Re: More Moderators Please


I've been around long enough to remember when this was all fields...and things were simpler then.

I would gladly pick up the 'Ban-hammer' and oblige and encourage more decorum in this place.

We do have - and flame away - a little bit of teething trouble where the kids have taken hold of the classroom,

As an example - there is a 2022 tyre test on at the moment. Is there a thread? Nope, not til just earlier today.

Once upon a time..there was a thread at each race, for each car and it had the most amazing postings (and posters) reviewing, discussing and collaborating in amazing levels of interesting F1 Technology.

1: We had the Manchild - Ferrari nose scoop - now the ubiquitous S duct.

2: We had the 'Dead Zone' - pre F Duct conversations and the massive focus of the forum in reviewing that design and the take up of it as it became the must have item.

3: We had obsessions with ellipses and the designs of the blown exhausts ets - that was an amazing time to be here - so many excellent posts on that.

4: We had excellent reviews of the upcoming V6 turbo era and significant review of the fuel flow meter regs. Remember that? It was a big deal...we used to have fuel use onboard graphics!!

5: What do we have now? We do have excellent Aero articles and front pagers by some of the teams - that is excellent work - but is it the most discussed or hot topic? No..

6: We have new regs coming - can you imagine how awesome that is going to be? We should be seeing car threads detailling and describing the nuances of these restrictive regs and how the cars develop through this first year.

What do we get now - bickering and partisan driver vs driver conversation. Driver talk is not Technical talk. Entrenched dogmatic assertion on who is best is not Technical talk.[/list]

Perhaps the eye has been off the ball and life and the madness of this workd has been in the way - but surely this place is an important place for most of us? It is not a place to come and be aggresive and belligerent with the moderators and owners? It is not your game, your home or your ball.... if you don;t like it - then jog on or put your partisan thoughts to one side and get stuck in to help.

Lewis vs Max - lol - get over it. Life is too short. was Mansell vs Senna once....and then it was Schumi (who was either the second coming of Jebus, or the incarnate of Baphomet)..and then how dare Alonso be any good...the cheating swine...and we all liked Kimi right??....but boooo Hamilton and yay Brawn - what a good job.

Times change - drivers come and go and sometimes they are great and sometimes you only realise that when they have gone that you have really lost something special...but there will be another.

F1 Technical. Not F1 Drivers. Not even F1 teams.... Technical. Flex your brains, not your aero surfaces (but if you do, let's collaborate and discuss together - this place doesn't need conflict, it needs respect and grown up engagement with one another.

To lower the tone..and paraphrase a lame fillm - "Be cool to one another"

(and final note - one of the best threads - The Piston engines aircraft one - it is super - respectful disagreement and techincal lunacy - thanks chaps/chapesses)

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Location: Chesterfield, United Kingdom

Re: More Moderators Please


nzjrs wrote:
15 Dec 2021, 14:41
Ryar wrote:
15 Dec 2021, 14:10
AAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Just drop it. --- drop it. My --- god!

This thread is not a referendum on the literally endless bickering of people on other threads. Its not a catalog of accusations and hair splitting. It's not in/out group hooliganism. No one cares about the specifics of all yall peculiar animosities.

This thread is a dialog with the mods, between posters and the mods, about the fundamental question of whether more moderators will be accepted into the moderation team, and if so, how to get more moderators.

This. Stop the bickering. Indeed! =D>

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Re: More Moderators Please


Steven wrote:
15 Dec 2021, 00:46
Just_a_fan wrote:
15 Dec 2021, 00:37
Steven, you mention insufficient mods - this whole thread started as a request for more mods. Is there any likely movement in this direction, assuming you can find suitable people to volunteer? I'm sure everyone would welcome some additional mods to help patrol the corridors of the forum.
I'm not so sure if we can realistically expect to find "suitable volunteers" in this climate.
And nobody volunteered since this topic got started :wink:
I offered earlier in the thread (cannot believe the page count on this now). I probably spend an unhealthy amount of time on the forum…
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Re: More Moderators Please


CMSMJ1 wrote:
15 Dec 2021, 14:58
I've been around long enough to remember when this was all fields...and things were simpler then.

I would gladly pick up the 'Ban-hammer' and oblige and encourage more decorum in this place.

We do have - and flame away - a little bit of teething trouble where the kids have taken hold of the classroom,

As an example - there is a 2022 tyre test on at the moment. Is there a thread? Nope, not til just earlier today.

Once upon a time..there was a thread at each race, for each car and it had the most amazing postings (and posters) reviewing, discussing and collaborating in amazing levels of interesting F1 Technology.

1: We had the Manchild - Ferrari nose scoop - now the ubiquitous S duct.

2: We had the 'Dead Zone' - pre F Duct conversations and the massive focus of the forum in reviewing that design and the take up of it as it became the must have item.

3: We had obsessions with ellipses and the designs of the blown exhausts ets - that was an amazing time to be here - so many excellent posts on that.

4: We had excellent reviews of the upcoming V6 turbo era and significant review of the fuel flow meter regs. Remember that? It was a big deal...we used to have fuel use onboard graphics!!

5: What do we have now? We do have excellent Aero articles and front pagers by some of the teams - that is excellent work - but is it the most discussed or hot topic? No..

6: We have new regs coming - can you imagine how awesome that is going to be? We should be seeing car threads detailling and describing the nuances of these restrictive regs and how the cars develop through this first year.

What do we get now - bickering and partisan driver vs driver conversation. Driver talk is not Technical talk. Entrenched dogmatic assertion on who is best is not Technical talk.[/list]

Perhaps the eye has been off the ball and life and the madness of this workd has been in the way - but surely this place is an important place for most of us? It is not a place to come and be aggresive and belligerent with the moderators and owners? It is not your game, your home or your ball.... if you don;t like it - then jog on or put your partisan thoughts to one side and get stuck in to help.

Lewis vs Max - lol - get over it. Life is too short. was Mansell vs Senna once....and then it was Schumi (who was either the second coming of Jebus, or the incarnate of Baphomet)..and then how dare Alonso be any good...the cheating swine...and we all liked Kimi right??....but boooo Hamilton and yay Brawn - what a good job.

Times change - drivers come and go and sometimes they are great and sometimes you only realise that when they have gone that you have really lost something special...but there will be another.

F1 Technical. Not F1 Drivers. Not even F1 teams.... Technical. Flex your brains, not your aero surfaces (but if you do, let's collaborate and discuss together - this place doesn't need conflict, it needs respect and grown up engagement with one another.

To lower the tone..and paraphrase a lame fillm - "Be cool to one another"

(and final note - one of the best threads - The Piston engines aircraft one - it is super - respectful disagreement and techincal lunacy - thanks chaps/chapesses)
Beautiful! This post ought to be nailed to every team and race thread on here!!

The funny thing is, when things turn technical the same people come out to discuss, most posts are positive (or helpful for understanding if they are putting you right). It is why I love this forum. And yes, the piston-engined aircraft thread is a great read!!
Perspective - Understanding that sometimes the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.

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Re: More Moderators Please


nzjrs wrote:
15 Dec 2021, 10:49
This thread seems to have strayed from its initial simple premise. Allow me to bring it back on track.

1. Can the site owner/moderators add more moderators

If yes

a. Do they want volunteers
b. Do they want nominations

I think we didn't really get an agreement or consensus from them on 1, and certainly no concrete answers to a/b despite offers for both.
a. Yes we would like some help
b. Yes, we want people to PM us and say "hey, how can I help?"

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Re: More Moderators Please


CMSMJ1 wrote:
15 Dec 2021, 14:58
"There is one big friend. It is downforce. And once you have this it’s a big mate and it’s helping a lot." Robert Kubica

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Re: More Moderators Please


Ryar wrote:
15 Dec 2021, 14:10
You literally do this in every thread you post in. You sir, are a shining example of the problems aired in this very thread.
