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Posted: 06 Feb 2006, 15:20
by manchild
Cyco wrote:manchild; What is so scary about mig welding? A skilled practioner can make solid consistant welds quicly.

Personally I like tig as it is clean, quiet and requires little clean up.
Having so much explosive gas near flame scares me... one small plastic bag filled with gas and exposed to fire makes bigger explosion than any hand grenade.

Bad valve or leakage scares me... : 8-[

I can't be concentrated near such thing and welding requires concentration


Posted: 24 Apr 2006, 15:11
by mech_coen
Hi all,
I want to blow new life in this project so I've set up a forum for the project I want to redirect you to that place.
Because of a very buzzy schedule is Russ not in the oppertunity to go further with this project, I hope he'll have a say about it too..
So for the ones who are still interessed this is the adres, please register there if you're interessed



Posted: 29 Jul 2006, 19:23
by Powerslide
Cofirm project has been terminated? By the way, if a continuation of such a project by forum members goes ahead, why should not it continue here?

If anyone can proof legitemacy of project and take out thier own money, then maybe the project can be posted up this web and anyone who is interested can add fund or sponsor.

Of course first, we need a name.


Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 08:05
by Conceptual
If this is still a working project, I would like to chip in as well. I have been working on a hydraulic drive system that has a very unique pumping mechanism. It has zero moving parts, and operates off of harmonic feedback (like a speaker and microphone too close together). The initial design has been gone over by my engineering friend, and he thinks it will work. Since this thing can literally drive the car from a 3v watch battery, I would REALLY like to get involved with something like this.

The only other skills that I actually have finished schooling on is business management and project management.

If there is a spot still avainable on this project, I would love to become a part of it!


Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 12:05
by MrT
Can you explain your concept? A 3 V watch battery produces a low current, and as P=IV, a low power. Thus I can't see it driving a car very far, very quickly! Energy cannot be created or destroyed. The energy contained within a battery is relativly small, and as KE=1/2 mV^2 you'll be able to move a car perhaps, but very slowly and not very far!

I think your concept is flawed without know the details based on pure physics, prove me wrong though!

Re: Vehicle Development Project - Interests

Posted: 08 Jun 2008, 19:29
by mazrulazman
hi all...

i am new member....hope can share infos from u all.
for the project, i would like to contribute...i have some experience in product design and ergonomics...

hope we can get the project something...

best regards


Posted: 11 Jun 2008, 17:33
by ruud.
Cyco wrote:manchild; What is so scary about mig welding? A skilled practioner can make solid consistant welds quicly.

Personally I like tig as it is clean, quiet and requires little clean up.
the heat generated by this welding methods is able to weaken the material, and make the metal next to the welding allergic for a lot of movement. We call it here "tired metal" i guess you can imagine what i mean. Also a good weld requires a lot of skills. What is quite a cheap way to do yourself to is to *dont know the name* heat it up with acetylene and weld it with coper or messing. Because of the relatively low temperature the material remains its strength, but it requirs a lot of skills to make the connection strong enough. The more expensive car space frames are welded this way.

Re: Vehicle Development Project - Interests

Posted: 11 Jun 2008, 21:56
by WhiteBlue
it is called brazing or soldering when you use melt of different metals to join two work pieces. welding would use melt of the same material.

Re: Vehicle Development Project - Interests

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 17:25
by Tifoso
Any project being done that could be seen by this community?

Re: Vehicle Development Project - Interests

Posted: 20 Oct 2008, 16:39
by gooner159

I would like to join the project too.
If possible, I would like to be in the aerodynamics "department".
Chasis would be equally good.


Re: Vehicle Development Project - Interests

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 18:28
by RH1300S
Not exactly sure this is the correct thread - but close enough..........

Have a look at this gents

Re: Vehicle Development Project - Interests

Posted: 15 Apr 2009, 00:57
by hotponyshoes
Not sure if there is still much intrest in this but I see the links are dead and it dates back a while!
We have a small group (Southern U.K) who have been thinking of doing somthing along the lines of a 'free-for-all' car development.
The 'Open Source Super Car Project' has been going for a while but we don't really have much in the way of stuff on paper or names on a list!
For those intrested we have a board set up at
which is a start..
Luke Ellis

Re: Vehicle Development Project - Interests

Posted: 13 Aug 2010, 03:16
by alexisgreene
I was starting a similar project and came across this thread while searching for people with the same idea. I am designing a camless V8 engine. I just created a blog for the project and will update it with pictures of progress and information about the engine itself as I design it. I really hope anyone interested in offering advice, or helping with the design itself will check it out and/or subscribe. I am using Autodesk Inventor 2011 for designing components and plan on using either ANSYS 12 or Autodesk Algor for FEA, although I have a lot of work to do before I have to make that decision.

I will update the blog with specific engine details and clearly defined design goals within the next day or two. Any suggestions, comments, or advice will be greatly appreciated. I have seen similar projects during my search and most seem to die before any serious work is done. This is a project I plan to finish even if I have to do it all alone. I really want to say that I designed and built my own engine in the future and all it takes is time and commitment... at least until its time to pay to build it. :D

Here is the link to my blog:

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I apologize if it seems off topic.

Re: Vehicle Development Project - Interests

Posted: 13 Aug 2010, 03:36
by WhiteBlue
Welcome alexisgreen to F1technical.

I doubt that the idea of solenoid valves is so new to the world of engine designers. You may find that your patents on the invention may be restricted to very particular design aspects that you are solving.

We have been having some discussions during the last days about future combustion technology in F1. The background is the new engine formula which is expected to come into effect in 2013. So you may find that some big names in F1 are developing on the same ideas as you.

Other requirements of modern engines are turbo and compressor charging and exhaust gas recycling which will become ubiquitous in the coming years IMO.

Valve drives are expected to become much more variable so that petrol engines will operate without throttle plate. It requires the use of more sophisticated ECU programs of course. Fuel injection will definitely go direct into the cylinder and will be using the most advanced high pressure fuel pumps (200-500 bar) which are being researched for some years. The direct piezo driven injector technology to go with spray based fuel injection technology is also very likely to hit F1.

It goes without saying that your digital engine should simulate all those capabilities and requirements to be up to date.

Re: Vehicle Development Project - Interests

Posted: 13 Aug 2010, 07:14
by alexisgreene
Thanks for the welcome!

I know for a sure fact that the idea of using solenoids to actuate the valves is not new (although when the idea came to me I thought it was :D). From what I read, I believe Lotus has been working on this for years. If I were to be able to get a patent, it would most likely be to the particular design I have in mind, just as you said. I am at the point where I am not keeping any of my ideas super secret anymore. I am not looking to get patents and get rich... I just want to design something and see it actually work. I am creating a "rough draft" of the block tonight and will post a picture of it on my blog by this weekend. I plan on incorporating the solenoids and hydraulic circuit into the valley of the block and using standard push rods and rockers to do the actual valve opening. By altering the rocker ratio's, hydraulic pressure, and orifice diameters, I can compensate (hopefully) for the slow actuation of today's solenoids. Solenoid speed is a major hurdle in achieving higher RPM's... but I will get into all of that when the time comes.

I believe that throttle plates are an unnecessary restriction on an engine with infinitely variable valve actuation. The valves duration and lift can be altered to control the volume of gases entering the cylinder.

I am gonna look around for some of the discussions you mentioned. I am very curious to see what everyone thinks about future technology.